Waking the Divine Feminine In You!
Full Moon ~ Harvest Moon & Lunar Eclipse
I follow a psychic medium named Collette Baron-Reid. She is a pretty cool cat and she’s Canadian. I have a few of her Oracle Card Decks which are really lovely. Anyways I have taken this full moon information from her tonight.
The energy surrounding this Pisces Full Moon is intense, and with a Lunar Eclipse magnifying it, we’re all being challenged to release what no longer aligns with who we are. Maybe it’s an old relationship, a friendship that has run its course, or even those infamous “shaming pants” we’ve held onto for too long, hoping for that “one day.” Sound familiar?
We’re still in Virgo season, which means it’s a perfect time to declutter not just your home, but also your thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors that no longer serve you.
In her email she dives into the theme of letting go, reflecting on a conversation she had with some of her colleagues. They talked about how we lose our voice in the name of people-pleasing and the ways society silences us. It’s truly something to reflect on… especially as we work to release our patterns of holding back, and fear of speaking our truth.
This powerful lunar energy tonight is the perfect time to reclaim our voices.
What is the spiritual energy of the lunar eclipse? They can prompt revelations, helping us release patterns, relationships, or behaviors that no longer support our growth. Unlike solar eclipses, which often symbolize new beginnings, lunar eclipses focus on closure and resolution, making this a powerful time for deep inner change.
Any good journey is all about endings and, of course, the new beginnings that follow.
So, what are you ready to release? Grab your journal…we’re going to jump right in!!
What are you holding onto that no longer aligns with who you are?
Is it a relationship?
A friendship that has run its course?
Clothes that are too small or too big?
What are you ready to declutter?
Stuff in your house?
Are there recurring thoughts that you need to declutter?
Do you have beliefs that aren’t serving you?
Do you have behaviours that need to go?
Does the thought of losing your voice (or holding back) in the name of people-pleasing resonate with you? Write a few thoughts down on how you do that?
Can you name a few ways that society is silencing you right now? There’s a definite fear of speaking your truth as the keyboard warriors are ready to attack at the slightest hint of an opinion.
Okay so the solar eclipse and full moon are collectively giving us the energy of:
making this a powerful time for deep inner change.
Take a few minutes maybe even close your eyes and visualize where this needs to apply in your life. You may jot down some notes.
Our World
How do you feel about the world that we are living in right now? What do you see?
We have Wars all around us
Biden crazy
Trump the fact that he is running for president again is insane after his antics and the storming of the capitol building in 2021
We had Epstein with his pedo island and so many celebs that were clearly involved but never had anything happen to them even though we knew they were there
They are boldly showing us they can do anything and get away with it with the right amount of power, money and connections
Governments controlling the media
No longer able to see news on social platforms
Proper Journalism seems to be a thing of the past, no one is allowed to have a voice or opinion if it doesn’t agree with what the government is selling
Rising prices, food, homes, gas
Lack of control
Desperation which has lead to an incredible drug addiction problem
Increase in homelessness
Road rage like nothing I have ever seen
It feels a little bit scary right now doesn’t it. Where is the kindness?
Something else I am noticing is … We are FINALLY after a billion years…talking about menopause and women’s needs being recognized in the patriarchal society that is slowly imploding.
There is slowly acceptance for bigger ladies…meaning we don’t feel like we need to starve ourselves and be a size zero to be socially accepted. And most importantly we feel that acceptance coming from other women which hasn’t always been the case.
Not to worry, this isn’t going to be a man hating club tonight. We are just talking about the society that we have been living in for the last few thousand years…and the shift that we are in right now which is called the cusp..when the ages are overlapping.
Any time there is a change in power…there is discomfort and upheaval. The old rulers with old ways try desperately to hang on to their power while the new energy slowly and steadily moves into place. I believe we are experiencing the cusp between the age of pisces (approximately years 1 - 2000 the age of Christianity) and the age of Aquarius. This age is said to last for 2160 years.
So there is much debate about exactly when one ends and one begins but I feel like this shit storm we are in is pretty cuspy.
The Age of Pisces
This was the time of Jesus Christ, Christianity and the Romans, etc….I am certainly not a scholar in religion so I am going to top line what I think and you can debate it if you wish..
The baby Jesus is born to the virgin Mary and it is a glorious time to behold. Jesus grows up, does some stuff, becomes a carpenter for a bit, does some healing and miracle work, no big deal and gets a following. People love him and wish to follow him. He is the embodiment of absolute light and love.
The Romans are pissed because they seek power and money and how can they get any of this if people aren’t afraid of them or following them? The people are following Jesus…problem solved put him on a cross. The people want to continue to martyr and worship Jesus? No problem let’s form religion and churches and a God that you should fear and a system where you MUST pay to worship. Now they have control and money.
This is what we have been living in for the last 2000 or so years…power and money and patriarchy.
What is patriarchy?
a system of society or government in which the father or eldest male is head of the family and descent is traced through the male line.
a system of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it.
The Age of Aquarius
The age of Aquarius is described as a Shift From “Me” to “We”
The Piscean Age had a focus on getting our own needs met. It was characterized by a “me first” attitude, where short-term personal fulfillment was prioritized over long-term benefit to the collective. It was a time of materialism and consumerism, and in the Piscean Age, success was measured by material wealth, financial dominance, and lifestyle comfort. (Aka the patriarchal system.)
The Aquarian Age ushers in a shift in perspective. The focus moves from “me” to “we” as we begin to deeply understand that we are all connected and that nothing happens in isolation. Each action will be considered both individually and globally. There will be an awareness that each person’s behaviour affects the vast networks of other living beings and things.
It is a time of expanded consciousness, when we can take control of the earth and become more mindful of human rights. Some people might even feel a calling to guide others toward enlightenment. (hmmm like these gatherings in the zen den) There will be more emphasis on freedom and independence, and perhaps revolutions against computer technology and science controlling our lives.
The Age of Aquarius foretells a shift beyond technological and medical innovations and calls for a better way of working with each other and a greater sense of community spirit. Aquarius is thought to be characterized by intelligence and coming together in an effort to create something for the greater good. “We need to become critical thinkers,“We need to be thoughtful and conscientious about how we are showing up for our communities.
The age of Aquarius is believed to bring an increase in harmony in the world.
Think about what we are seeing:
People giving up their big home for the tiny home movement
Not being controlled by consumerism and a big mortgage
People working to live rather than living to work
People embracing gardening again
People being okay with having less, actually being proud of it.
What do we mean by the term Divine Feminine?
Divine femininity is not a new concept, yet it has started to gain traction in more recent years. Likely because of the dawning of this new age of Aquarius. The idea of divine femininity focuses on feminine energy while going against patriarchal traditionalism.
We all have masculine and feminine energy. All men and women and those in between have both. In yoga it is explained as energy coursing through us in channels called nadis. We have 3 nadis.
The Sushumna - which is a neutral energy channel going up and down the spine.
The Ida - is the feminine energy channel and begins at our left testicle…and crosses back and forth over the sushumna until it reaches the left nostril
The Pingala - is the masculine energy channel and begins at your right testicle and crosses back and forth over the sushumna until it reaches the right nostril.
Each time all three intersect a CHAKRA is created. A chakra is a wheeling vortice of energy that connects our physical body to our subtle or energy bodies known as our auras. But that is a story for another time….
So like I said not really a male bashing night…we all have both. There are two forms of energy in this sense: feminine energy and masculine energy.
Masculine energy is focused on:
thinking logically,
while feminine energy centres around:
and creativity,
but everyone has both.
Everyone possesses both energies, but typically women possess more feminine energy while men possess more masculine energy, although this is not always the case, there are always exceptions.
Since the beginning, masculine energy has been favored and revered over feminine energy, think assertion, power, money, etc… but this will be no more.
Masculine and feminine energies should be put together as one to create perfect harmony and BALANCE. Which we have not been seeing in our society.
Feminine energy has often been undermined due to its association with perceived weakness, but in actuality, this was never the case. The ability to be partial and intuitive while facilitating growth in others is a wonderful strength that needs to be embraced if we wish to thrive as a society.
While masculine traits have assisted in being assertive, the ability to be emotionally available and vulnerable is crucial for personal development. Think of all of the times that would have come in handy when world leaders were having a pissing match that led to a war rather than just being able to say sorry or you’re right. Let’s work together.
Masculine and feminine energies must be used together, and without the ability to nurture others and forgive those who have wronged us, people will not be able to move on and grow.
Masculine energy has been the more dominant of the two with our patriarchal past, but the history of the divine feminine can be seen in many cultures around the world. We already talked about one example…the Virgin Mary for Christianity, the goddess Aphrodite from Greek theology, and the goddess Tara from Buddhism.
So what does it mean to wake the divine feminine in you?
Well for so long…we have been trying to find our way and prove ourselves as equals in this patriarchal or masculine dominant world.
Since feminine energy was recognized as weak we tried to tuck ours away and be tougher, stronger.
In tucking away this beautiful feminine energy we detached ourselves from our creativity and intuition.
And to be quite honest, we as women (feminine energy dominant beings) have exhausted ourselves trying to be everything to everyone. The tough, strong decision making executive at work and the soft, compassionate caring mother, daughter, wife, partner…
How many times have I said here in the hut, it’s okay to cry? Why do we feel like it’s not okay to cry? Because that is an unacceptable form of weakness in this patriarchal world.
So I guess the question is what does femininity mean to you? The idea of feminine energy?
Not what society tells you a traditional women should be
High heels
Red lipstick
Big boobs
Arm charm
Don’t think women in media… think DIVINE FEMININE…what does that feel like for you?
Remember that the lunar energy is feminine…
Okay to cry…still strong
Wouldn’t it be lovely to be proud of all of those qualities rather than recognizing them as weaknesses?
Wouldn’t it be lovely to blend them into your work life and feel proud of them?
(And that goes for men too because they have this energy just like we do. Theirs is stuffed even further down than ours.)
So here are some ways to awaken your divine feminine taken from Teal Swan:
Take time to be creative. Women are natural creators. This is part of why we can create life. When we are out of touch with divine feminine, we do not allow ourselves to create. One of the best ways to awaken your creative energies is to begin to do art. Any kind of art will benefit you as long as you enjoy it.
Collaborate and come together with other women. It is profoundly healing to gather with other women.
But at the same time welcome men if they wish to join but don’t curb your conversation. Let them in and let them listen to feminine celebrations, concerns, problems and worries so that they can better understand what we are going through…not a bitchfest just the truth. In this way they too could embrace their feminine energy and we might get one step closer to a balanced community.
Your first introduction to the divine feminine is none other than your mother. Explore, question and heal your ideas and feelings towards motherhood and towards your own mother. It does not matter whether or not you have kids. Most of us still have unhealthy ideas and feelings about motherhood regardless of the path we chose.
Get in touch with your intuition. Listen to your emotions. A woman who is run by logic is a woman that is profoundly out of touch with the divine feminine within her. Womanhood is a receptive state of being. Receptivity means taking down those walls that we have built around ourselves. Receptivity is a state of profound openness and part of what comes with that openness is receptivity to that which is beyond the physical dimension.
Cultivate openness, love, compassion and gentleness towards the world and towards yourself. I want to reiterate that this does not just apply to others. It also applies to yourself. In our modern society we push ourselves so hard every day, there seems to be no room for these qualities in our lives. But we are developing breast cancer because of it. We are dying because of it. Our delicate biochemistry cannot keep up with what we are doing to it. It is time for a change. Choose three changes you can make in your day-to-day life that would allow these energies to come through. For example, you could commit to calling a friend one time a week just to practice listening to them with compassion and without judgment. Or you could commit to doing one loving thing for yourself each day, such as getting yourself a pedicure, letting yourself go to sleep instead of finish that project or buying that new outfit you can’t stop thinking about. Trust yourself to know what would benefit you the most to do.
Embrace your body. Our culture is at war with the female body. As a result, we are at war with our bodies. Divine feminine expresses itself physically in unique ways. If you are resisting the parts of your body that make you female, you are resisting the divine feminine.